What are the opening hours of the restaurant?
The restaurant is open daily from 12.00 to 14.00 and from 18.30 to 22.00 (PIZZERIA to 23.00), except Tuesday that the restaurant will be closed.
What are the accepted payment methods?
Del Savio Da Dany Restaurant accepts cash, cash machine, credit card and prepaid card with Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
Can you connect to the Internet?
Yes, the restaurant prepares for a free internet connection with the requirement of personal data access.
Can animals be able to accompany their diners at table?
Pets are allowed in the restaurant. Please make it available at the time of booking to reserve tables with a quieter corner for pets.
Is there airconditioning?
Yes, the restaurant prepares two air-conditioned rooms.
Is there parking near the restaurant?
Yes, both in front of the restaurant and behind there is a large car park.
In case of a vegetarian/vegans menu?
Our kitchen also prepares a menu for vegetarians and vegans.
In case of allergies or intolerances?
Any range can be customized according to the allergies and intolerances of each diner.